Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tagged Again Before I Tagged

My sister tagged me again supporting her reasons that I don't blog enough. She's correct. I am a writer who is seeking publication in magazines, periodicals, children's picture books, and novels. I write. When I read the criteria for this particular "Tag" I laughed because we do share little incidentals in common. So here it goes.

1. I love shopping in office supply stores so much that I have collections of all sorts of unusual office supplies. Each carries with it its own code of importance. For instance, purple is about notes, turquoise are projects in the works, and blue is immediate. The footprint paper clips are clipped to student work that shows exceptional practice. Everybody wants a blue foot paper clip.

2. I have a bad habit of touching things when I'm not suppose to. For instance: I love to touch anything with texture, and unlike my sister, I don't mind gooey things like paint or glue, both are useful tools to create whatever.

3. I have dyslexia, and unlike my sister and brother, mine was realized by my 1st grade teacher who designed a curriculum that was forwarded to all my teachers. It wasn't a big deal (except when I had to sit behind the green chalkboard and write letters in my clay or shape clay like numbers, instead of building like everyone else). 'Back in the day' all learning disabilities meant that you had more homework. I remember how "mean" my teacher was. "You will always have to work harder, Robin HilsinGER (she always accented the 'ger' boldly) when you read and write. You must build the roads in your brain!" she'd say. She also told me I was smart, but not in a nice tone of voice. In college I was sent by an instructor to a testing center. As I answered questions, I shared with the instructor that his test procedure reminded me very much of primary school. That's when I heard the familiar term, Dyslexia. Oh well, I have found many a great place turning in the wrong direction. Oh! and thank you, Mrs. Yheguchie.

4. I love hot tea as well as iced. I make a gallon of sun tea at least 3 times a week. I mix flavors, but always with a base of green. Most evenings, even during the summer (last night at 10:00 it was 91 degrees), I sip on a cup of hot tea. Right now in fact, I have a cup simmering beside me. (It's 12:10 p.m., 102, and very cloudy so it's cozy.)

5. I love learning, so I know about a lot of things that hold no importance for me or anyone else.

6. My home is eclectic and sectioned as such - (oh my gosh... thunder and rain... it's actually happening). My living room is zen - calm blue, soft green, plants, etc... The great room is old southwest/Indian (native American) with coppers, burgandy, tan-taupe, but not cowboyish - I'm trying to add some splash of elegance. My kitchen is maybe contemporary with some kind of glass art thing going on. The guest room is Victorian, our office, art deco, our room takes on an Italian steel, and the back yard is split between English garden and tropical in the works.

So there you have it. Six more things random and not so important about me.

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